
Ten Best Exercises for Kittens

As you watch your little ball of fur scamper around the house, you can’t help but smile at their boundless energy and playful antics. But did you know that exercise is just as important for kittens as it is for adult cats? 

Not only does it help them develop strong muscles and bones, but it also promotes mental stimulation and prevents destructive behavior. So, what are the top ten exercises that every kitten should try? 

Join us as we explore the world of kitten exercise and uncover the secrets to keeping your feline friend healthy, happy, and full of energy. 

But be warned, the list may surprise you and even leave you on the edge of your seat as you discover new ways to engage with your furry companion. 

Get ready to pounce into action and discover the top ten exercises for kittens!

Importance of Exercises for Growing Kittens

Exercise is very important for growing kittens. Just like human children, kittens are full of energy and need plenty of opportunities to run, jump, and play. Here are some of the reasons why exercise is essential for growing kittens:

  1. Promotes physical development: Exercise helps develop a kitten’s muscles, bones, and joints, which is important for their overall physical health and well-being. Regular exercise also helps prevent obesity, which can lead to health problems later in life.

  2. Mental stimulation: Exercise provides mental stimulation for kittens, which is important for their cognitive development. Playtime and interactive activities can help stimulate their curiosity, problem-solving skills, and creativity.

  3. Socialization: Exercise and playtime can also help kittens develop their social skills. Interactive play with other kittens or humans can teach them important social skills such as sharing, communication, and cooperation.

  4. Prevents destructive behavior: Kittens that don’t get enough exercise and stimulation may become bored and develop destructive behavior, such as scratching or chewing on furniture. Regular exercise and play can help prevent these behaviors by providing an outlet for their energy and natural instincts.

Overall, exercise is essential for the physical and mental health of growing kittens. By providing them with plenty of opportunities to play and exercise, you can help them develop into happy, healthy adult cats.

Ten Tips For Kitten Excercise

1)- Playtime: Provide your kitten with plenty of opportunities for playtime with toys such as feather wands, balls, and scratching posts.

2)- Climbing: Kittens love to climb, so provide them with a cat tree or other tall structures to climb on.

3)- Interactive Toys: Interactive toys such as puzzle feeders and treat balls can help stimulate your kitten’s mind and keep them entertained.

4)- Chase games: Chase games such as chasing a laser pointer or a toy on a string can provide excellent exercise for your kitten.

5)- Hide and Seek: Hide treats or toys around the house and encourage your kitten to hunt for them.

6)- Obstacle course: Set up an obstacle course using cardboard boxes, tunnels, and other items to encourage your kitten to run, jump and climb.

7)- Play with Other Kittens: Social interaction with other kittens can provide exercise and mental stimulation for your kitten.

8)- Walking on a leash: Training your kitten to walk on a leash can provide exercise and mental stimulation while allowing them to explore the outdoors safely.

9)- High-energy Games: Games such as “fetch” and “tug of war” can provide a high-energy workout for your kitten.

10)- Dance and Music: Play music and dance with your kitten, allowing them to chase and jump to the beat, providing both exercise and bonding time.

Do and Don'ts

When it comes to providing exercise opportunities and playtime for your kittens, there are some important do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. These tips will help ensure that your kitten stays safe and healthy while they play and exercise:


    1. Provide plenty of toys: Kittens love to play, so make sure to provide them with plenty of toys. Toys like balls, strings, and feather wands are great options for interactive play.

    2. Use a scratching post: Kittens need to scratch to maintain their claws and relieve stress. Providing a scratching post will give them a designated place to scratch and help prevent destructive behavior.

    3. Encourage climbing: Kittens love to climb, so provide them with a cat tree or other climbing structures. This will give them an outlet for their natural instincts.

    4. Make time for play: Set aside time each day to play with your kitten. This can be in the form of interactive play or just cuddling and petting.

    5. Provide a safe outdoor area: If you have a safe, enclosed outdoor area, consider allowing your kitten to explore and play outside. Make sure the area is secure and free of any potential dangers.


    1. Use your hands as toys: While it may be tempting to use your hands as toys, this can encourage aggressive behavior in kittens. Use designated toys instead.

    2. Leave small objects lying around: Kittens are curious and may try to eat small objects. Make sure to keep small objects out of their reach.

    3. Leave dangerous areas open: Keep dangerous areas such as balconies, open windows, and hot stoves closed off to prevent accidents.

    4. Let them eat too much: Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health problems. Follow the feeding guidelines recommended by your vet.

    5. Forget to supervise: Always supervise your kitten during playtime to make sure they stay safe and don’t get into anything they shouldn’t.

By following these do’s and don’ts, you can provide a safe and stimulating environment for your kitten to play and exercise. Remember, exercise is important for their physical and mental well-being, and with a little effort, you can help your kitten stay healthy and happy for years to come.

Bottom Line

Kittens need exercise to stay healthy and happy, just like adult cats. Exercise is essential for a kitten’s physical and mental well-being, and it also helps prevent obesity, boredom, and destructive behavior.

Here are some tips to help you provide exercise for your kitten:

  1. Provide plenty of toys: Kittens love to play, and providing them with plenty of toys will keep them entertained and active. Toys such as balls, strings, and feather wands are great options for interactive play.

  2. Use a scratching post: Kittens need to scratch to maintain their claws and relieve stress. Providing a scratching post will give them a designated place to scratch and help prevent destructive behavior.

  3. Encourage climbing: Kittens love to climb, and providing them with a cat tree or other climbing structures will give them an outlet for their natural instincts.

  4. Make time for play: Make sure to set aside time each day to play with your kitten. This can be in the form of interactive play or just cuddling and petting.

  5. Provide a safe outdoor area: If you have a safe, enclosed outdoor area, consider allowing your kitten to explore and play outside. Make sure the area is secure and free of any potential dangers.

Remember, kittens have a lot of energy and need plenty of exercise and playtime to stay happy and healthy. By providing them with opportunities for physical activity and mental stimulation, you can help them develop into happy, well-adjusted cats.

Paula Jones

I am a native of the Pacific Northwest and have been a professional veterinary technician for over nine years. An expert on pet-related, including nutrition, behavior, training, and last but not least, the pet's role as an emotional support animal.