Symptoms of Pregnancy
Symptoms of Pregnancy vary from very common across the globe, and they can be divided into different categories. However, most of these symptoms are general in nature and common in occurrence, and we have tried to compile them in a single blog.
Pregnancy is a great chance for women, from the first trimester, when a baby is in the womb, to the last months of pregnancy.
During this period, women face many changes that affect their bodies and health. As a woman nears her due date, her body prepares for pregnancy. A woman’s body changes during pregnancy, but her health naturally adapts.
Pregnancy is a complex process with primary and secondary symptoms.
Primary Symptoms of Pregnancy
1)- Missed period
In pregnancy testing, a missed period implies you anticipated that your menstrual bleeding should have begun yesterday. It has not started.
If pregnancy doesn’t occur, your body needn’t bother with the thick lining in your uterus. Instead, your lining separates, and the blood, supplements, and tissue stream out of your body through your vagina.
It’s your period! Assuming you, in all actuality, do get pregnant, your body needs the lining— that is why your period quits during pregnancy.
Once the gestation starts in the phase of the fertile window, your body stops more eggs.
However, it is not a clear or valid point to assume missed period is always a pregnancy because it may be due to hormonal imbalance or irregular menstrual cycle.
A) – It is a natural phenomenon to miss a period once you start conceiving. However, not every missed period needs to lead to a pregnancy.
B) – To ensure the pregnancy, you can conduct home-based pregnancy tests like a one-step pregnancy test, Clearblue test, BFP test, pelvic exam, etc.
C) There may be false positive or false negative results, so the best practice is to visit the doctor and conduct an ultrasound to confirm the status.
2)- Tender, swollen breasts
The human body changes during pregnancy. These changes can be detected by the mother’s body, which is called the “molecular clock.”
The molecular clock is a biological mechanism that helps the mother know when and which stage of pregnancy she is in. For example, many women have tender breasts during their pregnancies, which can signify breast swelling or tenderness.
A) – Use soft and lose bra and avoid itchy dressing
B) – Use a pregnancy pillow for suitable sleeping positions to avoid pressure on the breasts
3)- Nausea with or without vomiting (Morning Sickness)
During pregnancy, women experience morning sickness. It is a common symptom of pregnancy. It can be very annoying and uncomfortable for the mother and her family.
The symptoms of morning sickness usually start around 7 am and last for about 3-4 hours. The sign can be nausea, cramping, and vomiting. If the nausea is severe, it may last for several hours.
A)- The best way to handle nausea is to change your diet plan and quality sleep.
B)- A doctor will prescribe a suitable food supplement and medicine to avoid morning sickness.
4)- Increased urination
The frequency and amount of ruination go up in pregnancy.
Once gestation starts, the amount of blood in your body increases to feed the newcomer, accumulating extra fluids. As a result, the kidney accelerates its function and cleans and cleans the excess liquid and blood, which causes more urination.
In the third trimester, the urine color changed to dark. In this case, it is usually because your body is preparing for labor. The urine may also have a smelly or foul smell. It will also be “thin” in color.
Also, if you take long walks during pregnancy, you may notice that your urine has changed color. This is also caused by the body’s increase in its production of progesterone hormone.
The uterus is responsible for keeping a tight grip on the back of your bladder so that it will not let go of any urine during labor.
A)- Intake moderate water to ensure the body’s cleansing.
B)- Don’t put pressure on gal bladder by trying to control urination or avoid visiting the washroom.
C) Don’t drink alcohol or artificial beverages; reduce caffeine intake.
D)- Wear a protective pad or underwear to avoid leaks.
E)- Avoid drinking fluid before going to bed.
5)- Fatigue
Fatigue during pregnancy is a common problem not as well known as depression. Unfortunately, a lot of women are suffering from both issues.
Fatigue can be caused by various things, including Sleep deprivation, low diet, stress, etc. Usually, it’s not just a physical condition – it also affects the emotional state of the mother and her baby.
As hormone progesterone increases, you will feel sleepiness and fatigue during pregnancy.
A) – Make sure to get enough quality sleep. It may vary from person to person. However, 10-12 hours of quality sleep is recommended for pregnant women.
B) Take a proper diet, fruits, natural diet, and avoid caffeine and alcohol, and cigarettes.
C) Walk daily and never skip light exercises to stay active and fit.
6)- Nausea and Bloating
Bloating is a common problem that all of us face in our bodies. It happens when the stomach fills up with food and can also occur when we eat too much.
During pregnancy, it is also known as Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy. In a pregnant woman, the stomach expands to accommodate the growing baby and can lead to nausea, vomiting, and fainting.
A- Choose the right size maternity clothes or supportive bra.
B- Don’t drink too much caffeine and eat a healthy diet.
C- The best natural supplements for a healthy pregnancy contain vitamins and minerals.
D- Don’t take any medicine or food supplement without consulting a qualified health practitioner or gynecologist.
7)- Cramping and Back-pain
Cramping is a common problem during pregnancy. However, it can be a serious problem that often leads to complications.
Back pain is often a big issue in the first few weeks after childbirth. However, if you are new to cramps, you might not know what to do. Various causes cause these cramps, but they are all related to pregnancy. The cramping during pregnancy can vary from mild and mild to severe and even fatal.
The most common cause of cramping during pregnancy is from a retained placenta. This situation occurs when the placenta remains attached to the uterus despite being present inside the uterus. It causes the woman to experience cramps similar to a retained spinal cord.
This situation is more common in women who are already pregnant, and while it may be temporary, it can lead to serious complications. In the absence of the placenta, the uterus contracts and pushes out any remaining fluid to alleviate this discomfort
A) – Consult a doctor and get coaching about moderate stretchering exercise and food supplements.
B) Stay active and make it a habit of walking daily.
C) Stay hydrated and get sufficient calcium.
Secondary Symptoms of Pregnancy
1)- Headaches
The cause of pregnancy headaches is usually unknown, but many factors have been proposed as causes, like changes in body temperature, high blood pressure, stress, or migraine.
It is not like any other headache – they are constant, often accompanied by nausea, fatigue, and depression. Generally, it occurs only in the first trimester of pregnancy.
A) – Stay peaceful mentally and avoid unnecessary stress
B) – Adopt a positive hobby like book reading, outing, walking, movie watching, Yoga, or blog writing to divert your attention
C) Control blood pressure and keep an eye on sugar level
D) If the headache becomes routine and severe, consult a gynecologist.
2)- Constipation
Constipation is a condition where stool or bowel cannot be evacuated. Over time, many women can feel discomfort in the abdomen area. This can be due to several reasons, including constipation or prolapse.
It can be caused by natural diseases such as thrush, irritable bowel syndrome, or an infection.
A)- Diet plan change.
B)- Moderate exercise and walk.
C)- Avoid stress and start Yoga.
3)- Food cravings and aversions
The human body craves certain foods that it is not used to. This craving is called “pregnancy cravings.” For example, when pregnant, your body craves certain foods such as chocolate, ice cream, and soda. However, these cravings are not the same as the typical pregnancy cravings that pregnant women experience.
They don’t have specific symptoms and don’t happen in every pregnancy. However, pregnancy cravings can be triggered by different things like:
– Breakfast cravings for Coffee and cereal
– Dinner cravings for pizza, hamburgers, and pasta
– Snack cravings for potato chips, popcorn, and chips
– Dieting cravings for sugar-free foods like ice cream or soda.
Meanwhile, pregnant women sense smell from certain normal food items and want to avoid them. These cravings and aversions can lead to a few different problems such as weight gain, nausea, etc.
A) – Healthy eating.
B) – Don’t fall into the trap of overeating.
C) – Keep an eye on cholesterol and sugar levels.
4)- Nasal congestion
Nasal congestion or “stuffy nose” happens when nasal and neighboring tissues and veins become enlarged with an abundance of liquid, causing a “stodgy” stopped feeling. Nasal congestion could conceivably incorporate a nasal release or “runny nose.”
The reason behind the increase in nasal congestion during pregnancy is not known. However, nasal congestion can happen anytime during pregnancy.
It’s common, and you will never go through it often. However, if you are experiencing some of these symptoms, you should consult your doctor before undergoing any test or examination for your condition.
A) – Use a humidifier or vaporizer.
B) Take steam or get a shower daily after consulting a doctor.
C) Consult a doctor before taking any medicine
5)- Heartburn
It is the most common symptom of pregnancy that the doctor can diagnose. It occurs when stomach acid gets into the small intestine and builds up in the stomach. The acid starts burning food, and it causes pain and discomfort.
Pregnancy is a time when the digestive system works at full capacity. So when the baby comes, the body needs to absorb nutrients from food so that all of them can be used for building your baby’s body.
This process requires a lot of energy, leading to increased acid levels in your stomach. This can lead to heartburn and other symptoms like nausea, nausea, vomiting, etc.
Heartburn is a common discomfort that can occur during pregnancy. It is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Heartburn is similar to acid reflux, including an unexplained burning sensation in the abdomen—fullness and fullness of pressure in the chest area.
Heartburn can lead to serious complications, like pregnancy complications and postpartum gas when left untreated.
A)- It is important to note that heartburn does not cause severe pain or damage your health. However, if it occurs frequently or is accompanied by a change in how you eat or feel your stomach, it should be treated.
B)- Heartburn generally occurs after eating a large meal. This can include meals eaten at a restaurant, fast food, and snacks. Other foods that have been associated with causing heartburn include Coffee, alcohol, and spicy food. To avoid or decrease the intake of these food items.
C)- Fruits such as oranges or apples are also be avoided as they can cause acid reflux.
6)- High blood pressure
Hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure is higher than normal. The condition can be hereditary due to a genetic defect or lifestyle factors. A woman with high blood pressure during pregnancy may have complications such as miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, and cesarean section delivery.
High blood pressure during pregnancy is a very common health issue. It affects the mother and her unborn baby. In addition to that, it can also affect the baby’s brain development during pregnancy.
However, occasional change in blood pressure is quite common and have no side effects.
A) – Life Style Changes
B) – Stress Management
C) – Quality Sleep
D) – Diet Plan
E) – Medication
7)- Acne
Pimples are very common during pregnancy. The skin becomes oily, red, and inflamed. Pimples can appear anywhere on the body but are most common on the face, neck, and back.
The pimple can be caused by many things, such as allergies or bacteria from the vagina or oral mucosa. There is also a possibility that hormonal changes could cause pimples during pregnancy, such as increased estrogen levels which cause acne-like symptoms on the skin.
A) – Keep your skin as clear and moist as possible
B) – Wash your face with pure water and avoid chemicals
C) – There are many different acne medications available on the market. However, it is best to consult a dermatologist for a prescription of a suitable medicine.
8)- Noticeable weight gain
Though noticeable weight gain in the second and third-trimester signs, it will show a prominent fat in the belly as your baby grows. However, the weight rise will also start in the first trimester due to hormonal changes.
Weight gain during pregnancy is caused by increased mother and baby conditions. It is a natural phenomenon that every mother goes through during pregnancy. To ensure your pregnancy weight gain goes smoothly, one needs to make proper diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes soon after giving birth.
A)- Lifestyle changes
B)- Diet Plan
C)- Exercise
D)- Quality sleep
9)- Spotting ( Implantation Bleeding)
Spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is a very common occurrence. However, suppose the frequency or amount of bleeding increases, it may be due to serious reasons like Anemia((low levels of red blood cells that cause hemolysis or breaking down of the red blood cells).
In that case, Atherosclerosis (the buildup of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on your artery walls), Preeclampsia ( high blood pressure, high levels of protein in urine), clotting disorders (Blood clots (avascular) can be found in several different places around the blood vessels, including around the cervix, ovaries, and placenta) or any other complication.
A)- Spotting is a common and normal pregnancy symptom; you can wear suitable underwear to avoid leaks.
B)- If the spotting turns to bleed, you need to visit the doctor without delay.
1o)- Moodiness or Mood swings
It is when many women become very happy, excited, and hopeful. But unfortunately, all those emotions are accompanied by the pain of the pregnancy. However, it is not all bad news.
During this period, women feel joyful and return their true energy that was missing for a long time during the pregnancy.
Mood swings during pregnancy can be very similar to those we experience in our everyday lives, so pregnant women need to understand what mood swings are and how they affect us. These mood swings can be brought on by hormonal changes, anxiety, anger, and stress.
A) – Discuss with your partner
B) – Start a positive hobby or activity
C) – Follow anger management tips
D) – Keep an eye on blood pressure
11) – Motion sickness
Motion Sickness is a condition in which the body reacts to external stimuli by moving the eyes and body to alleviate the discomfort. Motion sickness is a common problem during pregnancy.
The combination of motion and gravity causes it. It can be a very difficult condition to treat, but it can be resolved with the help of an experienced doctor and proper medication.
There are various types of motion sickness. Some are caused by external factors, while others are internal factors such as the nervous system, the heart, and the brain.
The incidence of motion sickness during pregnancy is estimated to be between 5% and 20% for women. It can become more severe when pregnant women move around a lot or when they have to stand up for long periods.
These symptoms can be very distressing for you and your partner, especially if you already have a baby or expect another soon. You might also get motion sickness if you travel by plane, train, or car while pregnant.
A) – Avoid unnecessary long tours and prohibit driving if the motion sickness is severe
B)- Motion sickness medicine is used to treat after consultation with a medical doctor.
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